Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.
Recently often used DNA examination. With the help of a detective agency "Private detective Lions" may be on the condition of complete confidentiality to establish paternity in Lviv, the results of which proved or disproved by the fact of paternity. Our agency provides assistance in establishing paternity by DNA or similar - Maternal affiliation by a DNA test. The starting material for such expertise is hair, blood, saliva or nails. The research carried out in private. Expert opinion on paternity meets all the standards of the European standard and is quite suitable as evidence is before the courts.
Perhaps a linguistic study of anonymous texts. The subject of this research can be documents (including in electronic form), which contain both negative comments and threats, economic blackmail or leakage of information.
Our agency provides technical expertise kriminalistichekuyu component of DNA in Ukraine. After the establishment of paternity made in Lviv design expertise of a qualified review of the resulting public institution.
DNA test may end in one of two results: negative, where the probability of paternity is excluded on 100%, and positive when the probability of the test to be the father is reduced to 99.9999%. In legal practice, it is assumed that the probability of recognition of paternity of 99.9% set proves paternity.
As a biological test material with an independent examination of DNA used saliva child and men, taken the appropriate standard method. DNA test results obtained after 15 days. Taking the analysis to test a DNA test in Lviv with sending in Kiev may make remote method and is included in the examination of DNA in Ukraine. For this the specific mini-tight containers.
If you need to make an examination of DNA in Lviv secretly for the person being tested, detective agency "Private detective Lions" will help, but the cost of services will rise twice as complicated process of obtaining a DNA profile. Isolation of a DNA profile with the proposed non-standard circumstances samples will give a high accuracy of the test, as well as on standard saliva swabs. Non-standard samples for the test may be blood stains, nails, wax, gum, hair (with roots), dental floss, toothbrush, sperm or a handkerchief with the rest of the nasal mucus.
Detective Agency "Private detective Lions' allows an official certificate of kinship with the child's grandmother or grandfather, as well as with their families aunt or uncle. In such cases, the relationship is set index, when it is less than unity, there is no close relatives.
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