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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.



Private detectives in SOSNOVKA


Detective Agency " Private detective Lions " offers its customers a constant and a brand new wide list of services. You can use our services not only in SOSNOVKA , but also in Ukraine. We will provide all the necessary measures that will be used to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones. Turning to our detective agency , you can be assured of complete confidentiality, as well as the efficiency of each of our private detective.

We will carry out a qualitative and rapid collection of information on databases phone numbers of people , as well as from various other sources. We will provide full protection of your rights should the need arise , especially when it is about the divorce because of infidelity women . And if you're worried for what is yours is photo - video surveillance , we can provide you the services of our professional bodyguard in SOSNOVKA .

Why are so many services?

Such a wide range of services we provide because of our detective agency " Private detective Lions ' running a team of professionals who are happy to offer their services , having a rather serious school work in law enforcement and other government organizations. Each member of our staff has a narrow specialization that allow it to do its job , and at the highest professional level. Therefore, we can not only organize events aimed at identifying her husband's infidelity , but also to make the necessary checks on the premises identification bug .

Also, if you are in doubt about what your child is just a little while, especially if your wife was once spotted with her lover , then we can take advantage of such a service as DNA examination . Our experience shows that quite often the result of infidelity are similar incidents that result have to figure out who is the father of the child , or even several . But to avoid this practice in our lives, we recommend that you carry out in advance for the elect or chosen one test of loyalty in the organization of which you can also count on us, as well as in the provision of services on a polygraph test . Typically, once the lie detector in such matters puts everything in its place , and once it becomes clear who is who and when to change .

Better care professionals
lie detector

Often we are approached by our customers already only after its failed attempts to solve the problems and questions. Especially when it comes to changes in the husband or the wife, one of them is trying to spy on the person . In some situations, even the wife can keep surveillance over her husband's phone . But without some knowledge neither these nor any other action will never bring the desired result. Or are spies are fast becoming just opened , or the collected information does not guarantee to be valid .

So you do not waste your time, it is better to contact the detective agency in Sosnivka or any other city in Ukraine, where is our representation. We will produce an operational search of people who some time ago fell out of your sight , and you now want to restore the relationship , or we can help you find a person by phone number.

If you have any doubt about the fact that the installed in your office antiproslushka is not working properly , call our agents , who will spend a thorough search will be able to detect bugs and wiretaps mobile phones.

Returning to the question of finding people by name, we can say that , of course , when searching for relatives or other people , it plays an important role as information provided by you. The more support you give us , the faster we will be able to find you by the name of the desired person. And it certainly set the address on the phone. Call us now , check out our professionalism in the business.

Carefully check against your contact details to not making mistakes. Otherwise we will not be able to answer you. If in the course of the day with you will not be contacted by our representatives, please call on the phone mentioned on the website and let us know

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List of cities served



green Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.


Establish surveillance of a person

One way to find out certain information about a person is to establish professional surveillance after him. The reasons for such a step can be very different depending on the situation.


How to follow his wife on the phone

Women are peculiar and even allowed to have secrets from their beloved. But not infrequently their ladies' secrets cause serious quarrels and divorces, because they provoke jealousy on the part of a man, even if such feelings are completely groundless.





Many thanks for your work difficult - let God help you.



The grounds for appeal to the experts of your agency served as a rather unpleasant history with my bank e-card. I did not lose it, but it was lost a significant amount of money. I was tormented by doubts,…


Family Raven

Like to express our gratitude for the assistance that can not be overstated. The fact is that before Easter we robbed. They took valuables, money, jewelry. Among the items was a particularly precious…



green svid