Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.
Representation of a detective agency in Zhidachev
For the past several years, a detective agency " Private detective Lions " operates in Zhidachev as well as in other cities of Ukraine. Our detective agency features a large staff of highly specialized staff who have years of experience , allowing them to take the decision for even the most complex issues. Thus, if as a result of his wife's adultery in doubt is that the biological father of the child, then you can order the examination of DNA. Naturally, the use of such service you can and in any other situation where there is a need for such an analysis . This may be a criminal investigation , the implementation of family tracing and finding kinship not only directly with the parents , but also between grandchildren and grandparents , for example.
The establishment of family relations
In addition , we use DNA analysis and other tools that allow us to establish a relationship and to identify the ancestry of the customer. A thorough collection of information allows us to restore the family tree . And the ability and experience in finding people with the surname also provides an opportunity to organize a meeting between people who do not even have a clue about each other . Naturally, we do not only search for people within their familial affiliation. If you have not seen with his classmate , or you just need to find the last name of a specific person , then you can feel free to call us. Often such a service is used and entrepreneurs who are trying to find a person by phone number, as long as it had some kind of business arrangement, and he disappeared out of the blue .
We help in family matters
Restoring family relations is not only a family affair , with whom we regularly encounter. And we are always ready for such orders that are associated with the identification of her husband's infidelity , or a test of loyalty. In this case, the biggest advantage of working with us is precisely our ability to work anywhere in the world. So, if you yourselves were in Zhidachev and your significant other is sent on a mission silt vacation, then neither necessary nor desirable to establish surveillance of the man of the house and up to the point of arrival. If your wife is waiting at the destination lover , then we will find ways to learn it , and provide you with accurate information on the changes it or not . In some cases, we can use photo surveillance to detect betrayal of her husband or the wife , but we always act solely in the framework of specific legislation .
If you are being followed spy
Virtually all modern businesses faced such a problem , as an attempt to encroachment on their business . Today it is called raiding , which may jeopardize the business regardless of its magnitude . And in some cases, divorce because of infidelity women would not be the worst event in your life, if time does not take steps to install antiproslushki and other safety systems for the database of your company.
And even if you already have made certain decisions in any case it is necessary to periodically scan the room to identify the bug . Our experts will spend a few hours a thorough inspection of your home, office and car, so to search for bugs and wiretaps to detect mobile phones.
If you have certain suspicions as to who could fix all of this equipment , which is to "follow" you and all your business , use of a polygraph test to confirm their suspicions. Our experience shows that most often it comes from the company's employees. And the lie detector in such a situation will fully clarify the situation and to identify the perpetrators. Also, we can always set the address on the phone such people.
Carefully check against your contact details to not making mistakes. Otherwise we will not be able to answer you. If in the course of the day with you will not be contacted by our representatives, please call on the phone mentioned on the website and let us know
Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.
Establish surveillance of a person
One way to find out certain information about a person is to establish professional surveillance after him. The reasons for such a step can be very different depending on the situation.
How to follow his wife on the phone
Women are peculiar and even allowed to have secrets from their beloved. But not infrequently their ladies' secrets cause serious quarrels and divorces, because they provoke jealousy on the part of a man, even if such feelings are completely groundless.
The guys helped as much as they could. In my situation it was impossible. Thank you!
Thanks to the specialists of the "Private Detective Lviv" detective agency, I unexpectedly received a positive result in my case, for which I am very grateful and can recommend them as good specialists.…