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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.



Detective agency in the city of Pylypets?

Our detective agency, operating in the city of Pylypets, Lviv region, provides quality services not only to individuals, but also to large companies. In addition to our colossal many years of experience, as well as the fact that our team employs only trusted people who have passed many years of practice in law enforcement, we use only the most modern developments in our work. The very direction of our activity involves tight work with espionage. This does not mean that we are spies, but our activity is always aimed at protecting our clients from this ailment. In particular, we have to collect information about certain people. If you are parents and you have minor children, then you perfectly understand the very same experience when the child is absent at home and the phone suddenly goes down. Of course, a variety of thoughts come into my head. But by contacting us, you can learn about how to keep abreast of what is happening with your child, even if his gadgets are not available.

And even more so, such opportunities are a tremendous resource for entrepreneurs. You should never forget that how successful your business was, there are always those who want to throw you off this pedestal. And believe our experience, these people are sometimes ready to go even to crime. Our customers in this area are absolutely calm. Because they entrusted us with ensuring their information and physical security. Of course, it is difficult in one article to describe the whole complex of measures aimed at solving this problem. But, at least, let’s say that it is very important to pay great attention to the personnel you hire. Today there is no time to check every person for a long period. When using a lie detector, we can save a tremendous amount of time for you. It’s enough to introduce a polygraph test, we’ll understand not just who wants to work in your company, but whether this person is a spy. However, checking out the entire team is not the only solution. In this direction, it is very important to periodically check the premises for the detection of listening devices. And do not independently search for bugs. It is unlikely that you have the necessary experience and all the important equipment to detect wiretapping of mobile phones.

The same applies to those who begin to doubt the fidelity of their soul mates. In our practice, there have been many situations where people, before contacting us, tried to independently monitor the phone of their husband or wife in order to find out the truth. But in almost all situations, the result was one - the manifestation of their distrust became known to the audited party. Naturally, in this situation, the very suspicion faded into the background, and the cause of some divorces was the manifest mistrust. By contacting our detective agency in the city of Pylypets, Lviv Region, you will save your time on these useless attempts to conduct an independent verification of fidelity. At the same time, you will not jeopardize your relationship if it turns out that the lover is only a figment of your imagination, and not a real person. Also, you definitely get reliable answers to all your questions regarding your soulmate. And at the same time, you can be sure that all the information received will be transferred exclusively to your hands. If it turns out that your soulmate is really cheating on you, then you can always use the services of our lawyers to divorce because of treason. But it is possible that the services of our psychologists are useful to you. if you decide to keep your marriage.

And our psychologists work in all directions. We help not only to restore relations between spouses, but also to establish a relationship between relatives who broke up for some reason. Naturally, this is often preceded by the search for relatives. And in order not to doubt the relationship, you can use such a service as a DNA examination. Even if you want to find by name or phone number a person who is close to you as just a friend whom you have not seen for a long time, you can also count on our help.

Carefully check against your contact details to not making mistakes. Otherwise we will not be able to answer you. If in the course of the day with you will not be contacted by our representatives, please call on the phone mentioned on the website and let us know

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List of cities served



green Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.


Establish surveillance of a person

One way to find out certain information about a person is to establish professional surveillance after him. The reasons for such a step can be very different depending on the situation.


How to follow his wife on the phone

Women are peculiar and even allowed to have secrets from their beloved. But not infrequently their ladies' secrets cause serious quarrels and divorces, because they provoke jealousy on the part of a man, even if such feelings are completely groundless.




Gennady V.

I have a well put your business in the field of construction, very much value our reputation and customers. But, for some time lucrative contracts literally just went out from under his nose. At stages…


Malyuta Ulyana Volodymyrivna

Thanks to the specialists of the "Private Detective Lviv" detective agency, I unexpectedly received a positive result in my case, for which I am very grateful and can recommend them as good specialists.…



Thank you "Private Detective Lviv!" Finally I got rid of my nightmare! Anonymous sent me six months various threats in the mail. Your detectives quickly found that hacks. It appeared to be just insane!



green svid