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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.



Detective agency in the city of Morshin?


"How much are the services of a detective agency?" - This question often arises among our customers, which is understandable, because people need to know how much they will pay for the performance of a particular service. But we can never give a definite answer to this question until we find out the details of the tasks. Each situation that we are contacted with is individual. Accordingly, in each case there can be completely different costs. It is one thing if we will need to carry out the task directly in the city of Morshin, Lviv region. But a completely different situation arises when it is necessary to send our specialists to another city or even another country. Naturally, in each case, we will warn you in advance and draw up the structure of our work, which you will be aware of.

Is it possible to find a person?

Not all people are so purposeful as to believe in success in finding people who are missing. And given how small a percentage of people really are, many simply give up. But the problem of these people is that they applied only to law enforcement agencies, if they really fell, and did not contact our detective agency in the city of Morshin, Lviv region. We are not talking about the fact that we will certainly be able to find a person by last name or phone number. For how many in such situations it is really very difficult to give any guarantees. But let's be honest. We are a commercial organization, which means we are interested in fulfilling the tasks set for us. Therefore, in any difficult situation on our part, all actions will be taken to solve your problem. Therefore, you can safely trust us even to search for relatives who are missing.


After all, people trust us and not such problems and secrets. The most frequently requested service in our detective agency is the detection of adultery. Of course, the fact of contacting us does not mean that the country being checked is really cheating. Sometimes people turn to this task, just in case. Accordingly, the tools used in this case are very different. If you already have any suspicions that your wife really has a lover, then banal photo surveillance can be used here to reveal the fact of treason. But if you just want to understand how capable a person is of taking such a step of betrayal, then a fidelity test can be used. In this case, we create an artificial situation of seduction. Of course, we will not go beyond what is permitted, but the reaction of your soulmate will be unambiguous, by which it will already be possible to judge the intentions and inclinations of this person. And most importantly, neither your soulmate, nor any third parties will even guess about the fact of your appeal to us. In all situations, we guarantee complete confidentiality.

But if we guarantee confidentiality in matters specifically related to our activities, it is important for entrepreneurs to carry out similar preventive measures in their field of activity. We are now talking about how important it is to carry out preventive measures to ensure the company's information security. No matter how successful your business is today, you should never forget that your competitors are always in combat activity and at any time can introduce spies or put bugs in a different way. But we can carry out a whole range of measures that will minimize risks and eliminate information leakage. To do this, at a minimum, it is necessary to periodically check the premises for identification of listening devices. Also, this does not exclude the need to conduct a polygraph test of your team. Such an event will allow timely identification of spies. Naturally, it is absolutely not necessary that your team have traitors. But still, periodically using a lie detector is especially important at the interview stage. However, the search for bugs should also be periodic. And do not try to independently detect wiretaps of mobile phones. This can be done only with the special equipment and experience that our employees possess.

Carefully check against your contact details to not making mistakes. Otherwise we will not be able to answer you. If in the course of the day with you will not be contacted by our representatives, please call on the phone mentioned on the website and let us know

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List of cities served



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Sreda Natalia Nikolaevna

I would like to thank the agency for…


Julia Andriivna

At one time, could not figure out where lost my son after school, thought he was lying to me. Tried to figure it out through classmates and friends, but with no result. Now I understand that you need…


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