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The global financial crisis has made the return of debts of one of the hot topics, and obespe6chenie return - a popular service detective agency "Private detective Lions." Debt recovery - the procedure unpleasant, but necessary. Arsenal detective equipment includes a variety of chain: collectors, debt collection services.
The Agency shall apply the unfair effect on the debtor that is not crosses the line of the law. Experts will help make restitution debts as soon as possible and return their money. This is done without extortion - with the help of psychological treatment in accordance with our strategy of debt collection. Debt recovery in Lviv developed by analysts and psychologists formed based on the portrait of the debtor.
Typically, debtors hide property located on bail, while not living up to their debt obligations.
The agency "Private detective Lviv" has developed a mechanism for the necessary exploration to identify the locations of withhold collateral. Debt recovery in Lviv is done by the executive service after its immediate withdrawal.
Most debtors are getting into financial trouble after processing the loan, decide not to recover their debts. However, they have no idea what the legal consequences of their negative can be expected. The Agency carries out adequate explanation of the legal consequences for the debtor's bad faith, the assignment of the debt offering or sale of debt, can assist in drawing up the contract with the lender to restructure.
There, the debtor prefers to escape from the lender, then the Event debt repayment requires the provision of collection services, the first step is to find the debtor, its registration and place of residence, then - depending on the existing circumstances. The agency has always chooses the legal impact on the debtor: the formulation of the assignment of the debt or the sale of debts and other activities designed to return the debt.
The agency "Private detective Lions" offers its customers the opportunity to pre-trial settlement of the dispute, the receipt and analysis of the existing legal documents confirming the claim of a creditor, to assess the feasibility of-court settlement of the dispute, obtaining information on the financial situation of the debtor, a property belonging to him, the definition of the partners and all credit institutions in contact with the debtor. All of these activities relate to the first phase of the impact. If it fails during the return or transfer of debt, the sale of debt to another person, the agency assumes the services of the litigation with the debtor, as well as work with the executive agencies.
The advantages of working with the agency "Private detective Lions' undeniable. The agency works more effectively than the security companies, as collecting debts included in the core business. Contacting the agency will save time and reduce costs received. At the same time, the customer will not incur financial risk because services are paid only on the recovery of the debt. The focus is on an amicable settlement of debt disputes, and it significantly reduces the real terms of repayment of the debt.
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