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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.



We invite to cooperation specialists in the field of private investigation. And also, if you are able to work with various information bases and have access to unique sources, send the resume to the e-mail.

Offices in all regions of Ukraine,

and abroad.

Address: Ukraine, Lviv city, st. B., 176 (Business center "LEMBERG")

тел. +38 (067907-49-49 (24/24) 


            Telegram: Skype status indicatorDetectiv007

        Skype: Skype status indicator lv.detective


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Carefully check against your contact details to not making mistakes. Otherwise we will not be able to answer you. If in the course of the day with you will not be contacted by our representatives, please call on the phone mentioned on the website and let us know

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List of cities served



green Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.


Establish surveillance of a person

One way to find out certain information about a person is to establish professional surveillance after him. The reasons for such a step can be very different depending on the situation.


How to follow his wife on the phone

Women are peculiar and even allowed to have secrets from their beloved. But not infrequently their ladies' secrets cause serious quarrels and divorces, because they provoke jealousy on the part of a man, even if such feelings are completely groundless.





My story is also typical of our time. The peculiarity is that the things my son began to disappear from the house. The needs we can not have, being provides us his father. I began to torment this strange…



My car was stolen and I had already lost all hope of finding him. I wrote a statement to the police a few months ago, and the car was never found. And then, when I was nothing on hoping, friends advised…


Gennady V.

I have a well put your business in the field of construction, very much value our reputation and customers. But, for some time lucrative contracts literally just went out from under his nose. At stages…



green svid