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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.

Graphological psychoanalysis


Detective Agency "Private detective Lions" offers customers a service Graphological psychoanalysis. We work in Lviv and Lviv region, as well as have representation in all regions of Ukraine. 

According to handwritten text person was his psychoanalysis, rather graphological analysis. Specialist on specific grounds sees and understands the hidden essence deep enough. All of our systems, nervous disorders, frustration, manner of speaking, genetic predisposition, a line of conduct in decision-making, leadership and other characteristics. The customer, by law, can ask to clarify more detailed views and opinions psihoportreta particular, to describe his character. The handwriting to see its essence.

Graphologist initially in their work involves complete anonymity. The specialist had no issues trying to break into someone's secret. His task - to penetrate more deeply and to characterize it provided handwriting. There is a rule that has addressed the customer is not required to report, whose writing he provided on handwriting analysis. Practicing graphologist is not guided by their own attitudes and not project their views. Graphological psychoanalysis is an anonymous procedure, and is fundamentally different from the procedure of psychoanalysis by Freud.
After describing and "opening" psihoportreta, is free advice, but if you need advice just for writing the text itself provides for other rates.
How graphology, we always take the customer's environment, rarely putting forth their demands. Of past practice shows that graphology information is better received by the customer via analog means. This is a record of psychoanalysis graphologist by technical means, followed by personal encounter, even it does not matter who is present, the customer, or the owner's handwriting in one guise.
At this time, apply an effective method - is an interactive touch. Graphologist assesses and evaluates the graphological analysis on a cell phone. On the Internet interactive contact is very effective, by transferring a sample of handwriting, you can also get psychoanalysis. Done very quickly and efficiently. The customer is always himself defines a convenient place for a meeting of psychoanalysis.
Give a written request for graphology tests. This method entails laborious costs and hence the price.
If necessary, the possible complex version, ie physiognomy, graphology and symptoms of disease. The price is higher, provided that the communication is live. When writing a file on the client, the price is doubled. In the same integrated approach possible family graphology analysis. Need a child's handwriting, next of kin, very useful pictures. This method is a lot that will clarify and help in identifying the symptoms of diseases.
In the selection of candidates for the job being done by handwriting psychological handwriting analysis conducted choice candidate most suitable for the job. The price of such services by appointment. Performed an in-depth analysis of the psychology of handwriting of the people working in the same bundle.

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