Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.
The question of how to best protect their minor children from a wide variety of temptations of the modern world and the negative impact of new friends, worried about today almost every parent. This is understandable, since many children still not going to school, are already beginning to assert their rights, ceasing to devote parents in their secrets. And the child gets older, the more difficult to find a common language with him and arrange it to himself, to win the trust. But even if you have your minor children have no problems in communication, you can still understand what are some innuendo and hidden secrets. As a result, it always leads to unnecessary emotions and lack of opportunity to have your baby, no matter how old he is - 10 or 15, suddenly emerged difficult situation, because is it most likely will not know. Today, therefore, very important to use a variety of methods that allow you to maintain maximum control over their children. And our detective agency "Private Detective Lions" offers a unique solution, which in this case is legitimate and will not cause any negative reaction to your child because it nothing about it will know.
We offer you a special way to "charge" the phone of your child, you have the opportunity to not only control his every action and his every move, leading the banal and continuous surveillance, but were able to timely respond to the "wake-up call", which may at any time ring out in the life of your baby. The more that we offer software and hardware will also allow you to control and their relatives, if those have serious health problems, and they also need constant supervision. Today, not everyone can afford to hire a nurse and spend their time on permanent residence close to the sick person. Yes and sometimes this is not necessary. But that's to be aware of what was happening to him at a certain time, it never hurts.
Find out what and where does the subscriber
Today, people are coming up with a variety of tricks to explain why they were unable to answer your call. Is no exception and children whose imagination in this respect is sometimes simply boundless. Even if your call is not connected with the fact that you want to find out where your child is and what it does, it is not a guarantee that you will answer. And it is possible that just "sits battery", "heard the call", "phone for silent" become an obstacle to your communication. But parents that does not help, because every missed call from the child makes the heart beat stronger. Solve this problem can be the topic is quite simple. Take a picture or record a video right from your phone and get your child on your mobile device acquired images. If the phone is in your pocket or bag, and get the image does not work, then you can just listen to what's going on where your child is, and this is already enough to understand whether there is cause for concern, and now your baby really went to practice after school, or in a music school, for example. And do not worry about what your mobile control will be known to your child. In such transactions, despite the fact that all pictures are taken on a camera phone, the unit itself without any signs of activity is on hold.
But that's not all. After all, do you hear the dialogue and atmosphere you can not guard, but it does not mean that your child really is exactly where it should be. And check out the exact location you can through the use of other functions. On your mobile device will display a map service Google, which will be marked by a point and the location of the subscriber controlled telephone. And you can even see the whole history of his travels, which is a very valuable and necessary for many parents. And if the phone is stolen or lost, this function will help you find it fast enough, and even without the involvement of outside help. And now you can not worry about what your grandmother out of the house to the store and forget the road. The main thing is that when it was always mobilnyk by which you and be able to find it quickly enough.
What do the children?
Children today are very actively communicate as before, only do so mainly through SMS messages through social networks, different applications and programs. For example, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype today the most essential programs. But how do you know, does not cause harm if such communication is not picking up the phone baby? Simple enough. With our software and hardware complex you will now have full access to all accounts, private office and other information of your child, hidden from prying eyes. The complex will help you not only to make quick release passwords for access - Vkontakte, - Instagram, - Facebook, - Classmates, but will allow you to block the access for your child, if you begin to suspect something. Naturally, all this will give you an opportunity to see who and what your child is communicating on the network. A sms interceptor will allow read messages on the phone and see what kind of information and with whom your child communicates. Would you like to get the latest pictures of him? No problem. Any file on the phone will be available for, including downloads. A message you can see, even if they were removed. Agree that this complex is today the dream of every parent who can competently use control over a child's phone, rather than simply trying to listen to cell to satisfy curiosity.
It is worth mentioning a very important point, which is that to monitor mobile phone via the Internet is possible only in case of minor children and disabled people. In any other situation, even if this mobile phone monitoring wife, our client will be personally liable under the law. We always warn about it and expressly disclaim any liability for your use of the complex for other purposes. For more information on liability for breach of the secrecy of correspondence and other means of exchange of information set out in Article 163 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
To begin to monitor the child's phone, you need to provide us with his staff on 15-60 minutes, and it is better for the whole day, so we "charge". Best of all, if you just buy a new model and give her child not to withdraw for "charging" the former. If there is no opportunity to neither one nor the other, then we will try to do something to help you in resolving this issue. All it will cost you a minimum of 500 USD, which already includes an annual subscription to use the complex, we carried out the settings and use your training.
Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.
Establish surveillance of a person
One way to find out certain information about a person is to establish professional surveillance after him. The reasons for such a step can be very different depending on the situation.
How to follow his wife on the phone
Women are peculiar and even allowed to have secrets from their beloved. But not infrequently their ladies' secrets cause serious quarrels and divorces, because they provoke jealousy on the part of a man, even if such feelings are completely groundless.
Thanks to the detective company private detective for helping me find out the truth! It’s been three years since I chatted with a girl from Lviv…