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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.

Who is behind the pages in the VC?


Even if you are an active Internet user, in any case, we have heard that today social networks are engaged in an important part in the life of modern man, especially as it concerns such social networks as VKontakte. But those for whom the Internet - it's even the basic life, which replaced the real, for sure have at least one profile on this resource. Initially, these sites were created in order to simply we had an opportunity to chat with your friends, no matter where they are located. But time always brings about certain changes. And it is hard to imagine the development of business, or even control their employees without the use of social networks. In fact, many employees of various companies to hide their presence on the resource, there are registered under other names and used a completely neutral pictures instead of avatars. But there are also less innocuous hidden users in the VC. Ability to hide his true name and the person gives rise to the development of various types of fraud. Surely you've already received, seemingly harmless at first glance, the communication to go to a particular resource or a direct request to recharge the phone at least a small amount, because the people urgently need to contact relatives. A huge number of groups and profiles that are dedicated to collecting funds for the treatment of children and adults? Of course, situations in life are different. And it is possible that the person who spoke to you, really need help. But before that assistance, you should make sure that your money goes to a good cause.

Кто стоит за страницами в ВК?

To do this you need to apply to our detective agency in Lviv, provide a link to you are interested in profiles and groups, so that our specialists are not only revealed the true owner of the account in the VC, but also tested how the goal of a group corresponds to the stated and whether it belongs it fraudsters.

Of course, we are working not only in those cases that may be connected with fraud or other crimes. In any situation that makes you at least the minimum suspicion is best to contact an experienced detective. Including circle of acquaintances is best to check your children, more adults who spend time on the Internet. Naturally, they will not be so much vigilance, differing special credulity. We will help you to be aware of whom your kids are talking to, they not only do not fall under the negative influence, but do not become a victim of criminals who do not rarely try to assign real-life meetings with their virtual "friends". That is, we can not only find out who it belongs to one or another page in the VC, but also to find out who this man is, what he does and what goals the Internet.

It is possible that your page can be hacked. Moreover, it is not necessary, you'll know that someone took possession of your password. It is possible that this man simply decided to get access to your page to keep track of your correspondence and monitor other activities that you perform in the VC. We not only find out this fact, but also to learn who the real customer of such hacking. In particular we will be able to recover deleted data from your profile if such a misfortune happens to you.

And in addition to the recovery of important information, our experts are engaged in the removal of clones and robots that could be created by someone in relation to your page. Call us in any situation that seems strange to you.

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