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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.

The investigation of crimes


 Unfortunately, with many of its tasks the police do not always cope, and the investigation of crimes and sometimes does not end happily.

In a difficult moment for you ready to come to the aid of our detective agency. Take advantage of a private detective, and you can be sure that the criminal investigation is in the hands of experienced and responsible people, regardless of the complexity and nature of the crime. The more so that the technical capabilities of our detective agency significantly outpaced the ability of the police. In addition, our staff have extensive experience, they are interested in any criminal case. If you have a problem, if the investigating authorities do not take measures to restore justice - please contact our detective agency.
Employees of private investigation have very good links with law enforcement agencies and cooperate with them in the framework of the law. However, the confidentiality of information - one of the main rules in the work of our agency. Turning to us, you can rest assured that your information will not be disclosed and will not be disclosed to third parties

Investigative process is carried out in two stages: a preliminary investigation and inquiry. During the preliminary investigation determined the fact of the crime, established the identity of who committed the crime is collecting the information necessary for the investigation. The preliminary investigation may be conducted as a form of preliminary investigation and inquiry.
Investigation in turn - this is not one but a whole range of tasks that are related to each other. Investigation of crimes, usually occurs before the court. In the process, set a person committed the crime, as well as whether it was in fact committed. In any case, the force is the presumption of innocence - as long as the court will not be charged, a person is presumed innocent. It is worth paying attention to such an important item as the period of time during which a person has committed a crime may be involved in a criminal case.
To date, no one is safe from the crimes and their investigation - a task for all of humanity. If your interests are affected, you are faced with unfounded accusations, slander and false accusation against you or a crime has been committed, contact a private detective agency. At a joint and coordinated work of the result will not be long in coming. The more contacts you have set with the necessary agencies - the faster the process.
Our detective agency is also conducting an independent investigation of accidents in the workplace. Investigation of accidents in Ukraine is carried out by private detectives in the independence of law enforcement. Our detective agency "Private detective Lions' works within, without causing negative side clients. Our experts will take all measures to provide you with the necessary assistance. We work in Lviv and Lviv region, as well as provide services anywhere in Ukraine, we have business relationships around the world.

List of cities served



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One way to find out certain information about a person is to establish professional surveillance after him. The reasons for such a step can be very different depending on the situation.


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Women are peculiar and even allowed to have secrets from their beloved. But not infrequently their ladies' secrets cause serious quarrels and divorces, because they provoke jealousy on the part of a man, even if such feelings are completely groundless.




Alexander Ivanov

Our company was found major theft. Management decided to check all employees without exception lie detector. To this were invited detectives agency "Private detective Lions." Everything went quietly…



The grounds for appeal to the experts of your agency served as a rather unpleasant history with my bank e-card. I did not lose it, but it was lost a significant amount of money. I was tormented by doubts,…



Some time had to live with her husband in the distance, we trust each other, but after a while my husband began to lead spbya strange way, ignoring for several days zasizhivatsya restaurants to night.…



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