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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.

Verification of the data provided for dating services, including the Internet


Very often people are searching for new love and his second half ready to various exploits and very bold dating. For the realization of the dream and the ideal meeting come in various public places: clubs, bars, sports venues. Over the last ten years, the traditional way to get acquainted added acquaintance on the Internet. 

But despite the positive aspects of online dating, it is very significant increase in the number of crimes related to matrimonial ads and the familiarity.
Looking through the statistics of such crimes, it is clear that the most at risk are very young, naive and inexperienced girl, who is not even 18 years old.
Search the web as often - it's a trap, looking attractive and tempting, apart from the psychological chains.

To date, quite often heard stories about marriage scam.
To implement these scenarios in marriage agencies are working "professional" bride-employee. Working very actively, especially when they need cash.
Describe under what circumstances the scammers most often introduced to the intended victim.
Method one
For a marriage swindler chance to meet - it's a manifestation of classical features in his work. And dating can be anywhere - in a cafe on the various events on the streets. In the role of marriage swindler advocates trained person with an attractive appearance, which owns manners, and knows how to make love well, and has a certain charm, and even charm. It seems his beloved or a pilot, or an actor, or even what is a respected profession. Very quickly, make an offer, and not less quickly disappears, taking everything that interests him at "his bride."
The second way
Very often, the marriage scam acquainted through the ads, the data in the paper. The victims are mostly tired of being alone women 30 - 35 years, provided with housing. As a rule, the work does not get in a hurry. May live long in his chosen before the end of the money.
The third way
Getting through the Internet. Focuses on growth in their own careers, and current personal life, complaining about the lack of attention from women. Deftly taking jewelry and money disappears after the meeting.
In practice, and marriage aferistki work with equal success.
Method fourth
After dating for marriage online scammers are methods of romantic letters, calls, meetings, and to have a girlfriend. Then, abusing the trust they oppress her. A lot of depressing facts in the last period with the citizens of some countries, which have the trust of the Slavic women and lure them into a trap. Many people fall for the promises of heavenly life.
If you have any doubts about your partner or your partner, the genuineness of his intentions advised to contact the detective agency "Private detective Lions." Experts will check your friend: his marital status, health status, financial situation, criminal record, and more.

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green Surveillance specialists

Basically, now people have video surveillance associated with a huge number of cameras located throughout the house or office.


Establish surveillance of a person

One way to find out certain information about a person is to establish professional surveillance after him. The reasons for such a step can be very different depending on the situation.


How to follow his wife on the phone

Women are peculiar and even allowed to have secrets from their beloved. But not infrequently their ladies' secrets cause serious quarrels and divorces, because they provoke jealousy on the part of a man, even if such feelings are completely groundless.





Thank you "Private Detective Lviv!" Finally I got rid of my nightmare! Anonymous sent me six months various threats in the mail. Your detectives quickly found that hacks. It appeared to be just insane!


Malyuta Ulyana Volodymyrivna

Thanks to the specialists of the "Private Detective Lviv" detective agency, I unexpectedly received a positive result in my case, for which I am very grateful and can recommend them as good specialists.…


Julia S.

I want to thank the staff of the agency, experts in data recovery. It so happened that I accidentally lost nearly all the valuable information for me with a laptop and no longer hoping to restore it…



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