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Just during the formation of an indestructible Union, at the time of the collapse and restructuring arose a great trap for men - White Brotherhood YUSMALOS. Cult originated in 1990 in Kiev using Yuri bowlegged and journalist Marina Tsvigun and soon spread to nearby regional centers and the city of Lviv. Little movement, there were dozens of people, based on knowledge of Eastern religions, and the psychic representation of the coming end of the world.
Cult guru caught a wave of chaos within countries , the common people do not have the slightest suspicion that will be with them tomorrow. During this period, absolutely safe and fault created the " White Brotherhood " and the conclusion about a person from the sect and even out of the question . Soon , these meetings have become a destructive totalitarian sect that in 2013 in Moscow was recognized as extremist. Pull the man from the sect "White Brotherhood " was not subject his own people en masse and began to seek help from the law. From fraternity members required to give personal return expensive things , living space and other real estate. In that period, have been set up investigation team , police suppress the preaching of the White Brotherhood , and cult leaders were declared frauds. According to the secret data they used and tested methods latest psychotropic effect on the crowd of people , which is intended for work of special services.
About how a man out of the sect say bills promoted funds and hotlines are actively advertised in the media . Nevertheless , this trick every day gets more and more and more people. This is mainly unemployed people, young teenagers , people with a turning point in life. In sect sought the answer to the question " how to become a better" in it for a short period of time a person moves away from his problems and finds adherents. So , in 2013 Marina Tsvigun under a new name Maria Devi Christos collects minded and re-creates the attempt to revive the " White Brotherhood ". The rest of the organizers of the cult are still in custody.
To date , the policy of "New White Brotherhood " modified , taken basic ideas of the movement " New Age ", which aims to recruit young people. Marina Tsvigun seems like a bride and sister of the Deity , and his sermons spends many hours of monologues or reading their poems. Brainwashing victims in this form , is introduced into the misting and inadequate state of prostration .
If you suspect that your loved one in the service of such sect , should seek immediate professional help . Since all the rituals and sermons are organized in compliance with the conspiracy , the victim must conduct surveillance. Also, priests are seen negatively by the conclusion of their work from fellow cult immediately hangs over the victim group deputed people who treated him with redoubled force .
Detective agency "Private detective in Lviv" will share the responsibility of people who will work on the victim. While some watching, others are working on a plan of action. Coordinated work of professionals can divert the attention of leaders and lossless output sacrifice, attracting accents apart lure real life. Also, a thorough analysis of the problem of care, because there is always the initial question, which is not possible without addressing the final result of human excretion.
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