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Private detective Lviv

detective agency

We work for your peace of mind!

Safe and stable development of your business, confidentiality and professional approach in solving all your problems.

Carrying out test purchases


Oil and gas production (from the English. Mystery shopping) - a method of marketing research aimed at assessing the quality of customer service with the assistance of specially trained "customers" (mystery shoppers) to conduct inspections and as a potential or actual purchasers, and then a detailed report to the results of such checks. This work is included in the concept of mystery shopping service. 

Specially trained in the agency "Private detective Lions» mystery shopping is conducting an independent evaluation, and if necessary, develop or revise the method for improving customer service and sales techniques.
Tasks mystery shopper in Lviv mainly intelligence. He "introduced" to the object retailers and gently gets the information about the customer service. In particular, mystery shopping values: respect for support staff etiquette, their kindness and restraint in dealing with "difficult" client; clean commercial premises, counters and jobs, the effectiveness of commercial calculations, the overall appearance and cleanliness of employees (match corporate standards), the presence badges, working form, the use of advertising and the effectiveness of POS-materials, literacy speech depth knowledge of staff about the range of products as a whole and for each product individually. Oil and gas production in Lviv outwardly similar to the representative of the studied audience specific outlet. At the grocery store, and expensive boutique selling branded goods can not be one and the same person performing the service secret shopper. At the grocery store the primary function is to carry out test purchases, and the clothes - to check compliance with quality customer service.
Market research with carrying out test purchases - one of the most effective methods to obtain objective information on the movement of goods. All gaps and dishonest performance of duties by employees shows test purchases. Ukraine produces only European quality of service, and in-store monitoring of compliance at this stage is necessary. Go to the service "secret shopper" resort in the implementation of loyalty programs to the new brand and well-known products of the company to further stimulate its sales.
Cost of service mystery shopping and timing of inspections depend on the scope of the company, the mode of control of the subsequent report, the availability of special requirements for the mysterious buyer. The specialists of the agency "Private detective Lions" have the necessary knowledge of operational psychology, they constantly use them in practice in the conduct of various types of investigations, which is also characteristic of the operational-search activity. 

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Marina Rubenstein

I would like to express my deep gratitude to this detective agency for the work done. I do not want and cannot…


Sergei Petrovich

With a private detective agency "Private detective Lions' our company has successfully cooperated for a fairly long period of time in the field testing of our staff. During the period of our work we…


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